Childhood Fantasies VS Surgery Recovery Reality with Guest Writer


I’ve been thinking a lot over the last little bit… As children, I thought it would be the most amazing thing to have surgery. Wouldn’t it be cool?  Medicine fascinated me. We spent hours pretending we were operating on each other. We were very professional. Sterile was of utmost importance and a definite requirement- plastic bags went over our feet- we wore masks. Water dripped from the IV pole and ran down the string into the toothpick needle.  And although I would have never admitted it- every time I had a pain in my side, I thought “maybe this is an appendicitis…”

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But those days are over for me. I have established that I do not have a future in medicine. Needles make me faint. And there is nothing NOTHING about surgery that is fun. Emily has helped remind me of that. I am thankful for the gift of healing. We are indeed wonderfully made. And so I rejoice that even though there is pain for a season- God is working a strong work in Em’s life and giving her grace for the day… Praise Him… We’ll be kayaking with that shoulder soon enough 😉 And now- for Em’s dramatic stories…

Paradisemtnmusings presents:


 As you well know, I’m on some pretty heavy narcotics these days, and sleeping all night long is just a faint memory…usually I catnap for an hour or so until it is time to wake up and take some more pills of some type. At some point in the middle of my night last night, I awoke with a start. All of a sudden, I felt a chill shoot through my whole body. Out of the darkness loomed the figure of a huge snake on my ceiling. Now, under normal circumstances, I am not afraid of snakes… I don’t profess to like them much, but we have this deal where if I don’t bother them, they don’t bother me. Up until this point, neither one of us have ever broken the treaty. But this thing was like an anaconda or something. So I lie there not daring to move an inch for fear that i will call attention to myself, while the snake is just chilling overtop my bed…looking at me with its beady little eyes and forked tongue. I’m scared to even breathe. So there I am… not breathing, not moving…the only sound is of my heart pounding in my chest and a dog barking off in the distance.

Suddenly it hit me. Duh! There is no way there is an actual snake above your bed… you are seeing that because you are on drugs. Whew! That was a relief! But! Wait! Roxycodone is not a hallucinogen. So then I flipped out cause I was worried sick that I was on bath salts and was gonna end up like one of the patients i had transported (drugs eventually caused her demise). All these thoughts are running through what is left of my methhead brain… “how did i get bath salts”  “what if mother finds out”  “i need to go to the hospital” “what if i am a druggy now” “i need to sneak away before my parents wake up”  Then I figured it out. Someone switched my pain meds for bath salts. Now all I had left to do was convince mother that was the problem and I was home free. (until the coming down off the high… I hear that is miserable)
So at least it was rationalized in my head now as to why I was seeing this snake. Fortunately, it was just snakes I was seeing versus thinking my room was on fire and I was burning up and all that stuff… but I was still fairly distraught that I was on hard drugs like that. (keep in mind that I don’t even drink or smoke, much less do any form of drugs that aren’t prescribed to me)

At this point I was wide awake and becoming more alert to my surroundings. As I looked at the snake, I thought, “Maybe there is some good reason that I am seeing a snake”.  I looked across the room and it dawned on me. I have an electric blanket on my bed… the cord for this blanket passes over top a little light in my room. This huge dangerous “snake” that I had stressed over for the past thirty minutes was merely a shadow of an electric cord.

I breathed a sigh of relief that I was not being killed by a snake, and I was not on bath salts that I needed to hide from my mom. Time to take a few more pills and attempt to go back to sleep.


p.s. this story is 100% true. don’t judge me.


Editor’s note: We look forward to the time when Em is once again perky and able to be on the alert side of the operating process..

The Personality Test Obsession: Mixed Signals

I looked at the random assortment of articles in front of me…

“Psychologists have discovered that the manner in which people eat Oreo cookies provides great insight into their personalities. Choose which method best describes your favorite way of eating Oreos…”

Sigh, really?!?! Who clued the Fishwrapper in on the current obsession of Paradise Lane?

Deborah had an incredible time in Bible School. She was inspired, challenged, revived- it was great. But there was one class in particular that we’ve heard a lot about. A Lot. Now, don’t get me wrong- I am queen of talking about whatever is on my mind, whatever excites me… I also love to analyze people- what makes us react the way we do, who we are. And so- while I will have a blast picking on Deb about this- I don’t blame her for a second, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the quest..


Understanding My Personality: with some reference to the Myer- Briggs theory.

Extrovert or Introvert? The definition here is rather simple- Extroverts are people people: old friends, new friends- anybody. An Introvert likes some people…  A little more of the “quiet and shy and if they talk at all- just say ‘Hi'” type…

Emily, Deborah and I spent part of a week in Southern Florida the end of Feb. Our get-away also included a 2 night cruise to the Grand Bahama Island. Up on the top deck of the Bahama Celebration was a really comfortable lounge area. I found that I loved to go up there and just sit in silence and watch the moonlight dancing on the endless waters, in front of our ship- Introvert. But it was really fun when a family showed up from Ecuador to attempt my faltering Spanish on them- Extrovert  (Deb saved the day here- because I was basically in over my head after saying “Do you speak Spanish”) Or the horse sale that I was at in Lancaster- I was heading to the van to spend some KH time- Introvert? When I came across a guy who’s crew had worked at our place multiple times… So I stopped to chat with him.. Extrovert? This is tough. Can you be an Introverted Extrovert? Somehow I have a good hunch I know which camp I’m in on this one… Better move on 🙂

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Intuitor or Sensor? Possibility or Fact? This one makes me think of thrift shopping.  Recent travels found me in Holmes County… They have racks of Amish dresses in their thrift stores. Cape, apron, and dress for $3. So I stood there looking- a dress for an Amish lady -fact- Sensor. But we could use that for our photo booth or its yards of fabric that could be upcycled to something exotic- possibility- Intuitor.. Hmmm both again?


Thinkor  vs Feeler:  Do you make decisions based on objective principals and fact? Or personal concerns and the people involved?

Emily had shoulder surgery last week. So the Thinkor vs Feelor is majorly at war here. She’s not to move her shoulder for 4 weeks. So does that mean she has to keep it in a sling- objective principle- Thinker… Or if her arm stays by her side and she’s extra careful- can she give the sling a break- personal concerns- Feeler… Deb? How many of these types can I have?


Judger- Organized… Plan out the work, then work out the plan… or Percievor- Adaptable… Go with the flow

Another example from Holmes County- last weekend… Before we left, I offered to make reservations a motel out there- Judger… But my gang said “Nah, we’ll find something” Percievor… So we drove along, like Mary and Joseph of old and after being turned away 3 times, we discovered room in the Millersburg Inn- built in 1847, and we all lived happily ever after. But NEXT trip to Holmes Co- I’m going to insist on the Judger side of me winning… (yes, Beth- you almost got surprise company 🙂 )


Is there a benefit in all this psychoanalyzing? 🙂 I think so. Clearly we are all individuals. Each wonderfully made with our own unique personalities, quirks, strong points, weaknesses..  So this is not an end in itself… Being a Perceivor is no excuse to have a room that looks like storm at sea… Judgers, no matter how organized, need to be flexible… But this does help understand each other… For example, Em totally understands her fascination with her boyfriend- Mr W in a whole new way- according to Deb’s 70 questions- Mother and Kerry have the same personality type- ESFJ. And although we haven’t subjected the bro-in-law to the test, we already know what his Personality type is… With his fascination with sports- Sherman has to be- ESPN… lol


I love you, Deb, and I hope you know I’m only having fun with this… Come, family, lets gather around the Oreo cookies..

Blessings on your week,
