Wait a minute..


Detriot the fearless one


Detriot the pup whispers words of comfort

Wow I truly can’t believe this!! I just read over Kendra’s big introductory letter and she even mentioned that obnoxious rooster and yet she ignored me!! I’m Detriot Snappenbarker Mendoza, and I actually run the show around here.. Sure they wouldn’t admit it, but I am head overseer, chief of the investigations committee, and singlehandedly in charge of baler twine removal.. And what’s more I have the entire family wrapped around my paw.. Well Deborah not as much since she fell for that lil lab.. But they all love me.. even Mother ( don’t tell but she’s my favorite- she plays hard to get, but I can see right thru her act..) I really am a hard worker-why who else bothers to get out of bed @3 to help Julia get in cows? And I love to help move cows, heifers or calves.. Don’t understand why they always yell bout me standing in front and barking.. How else will the cow see me? And even this past fall I helped work ground.. Rode right along on the platform of the tractor.. Now that was work-keeping an eye on both sides of the field at one time.. I didn’t mean to keep brushing against the key and turning the tractor off.. But you know the best thing about me is I LOVE LIFE..I wish you could see me running thru the yard with a big smile on my face.. It truly is a wonderful world!! So there Kendra.. How dare you forget me?! Why I’m part of the family!


Deborah, Kendra, Eldon, Joyce, Julia, and Emily

Hello there!! I guess we might as well start with introductions… We are dairy farmers that live at the foot of Paradise Mountain in Eden Valley.. There’s four girls in our family.. Julia does the milking, enjoys creating things out of wood and is also responsible for “the boyfriend” around here.. Emily fills our house with music and the sound of her pager (She’s currently continuing her education as a Emergency Responder)..Deborah is a Senior in High School and thinks she owns the smartest dog in the world-Rolo-a chocolate lab.. My parents are Eldon and Joyce.. Father enjoys crop farming, hauling soybeans to port during the off season, custom harvesting, bus driving, and his pet rooster-Squawk.. Mother keeps the home fires burning and keeps a close eye on the baby calves..Flower gardens in the summer and quilts in the winter interest her.. And I’m Kendra.. I fill in wherever.. Part of the time it’s at the barn, part of the time it’s in the field.. I also have a taxi/van rental service that gets me into all kinds of unique experiences.. Our family was invited along with Uncle Fred’s family back to Bath County for supper last Friday and I had the experience of sitting in the very back of the van the entire trip. Mother says that everyone should sleep in their guest bed and every van driver should ride in the back of their van.. So now I know.. God has blessed me tremendously and I’m excited to see where He leads me this year.. Life is an adventure and I hope you join us from time to time.. Blessings til next time, Kendra