The Sounds of Silence

Hello blog post , my old friend
I’ve come to write here again
Because a project softly creeping
Happened while I wasn’t squeaking
And the excitement thats present in my brain
Still remains
Echoes of the sound- of silence

I laughed at my little parody and sang it to Ben. He didn’t share my mirth “And then what?” He questioned

“Well that was my lead in to why I’ve been MIA on the blog for the last month.”

“Oh gotcha” He’s still not overly impressed

Anyhow-all that to explain what’s been going on in last month and a half: our living space got a facelift.

Our house has a garage that got turned into living space years ago, but it was just a long room that didn’t amount to much… We had a long range dream of opening up a few walls eventually. But suddenly one thing led to the next and we hired Bens uncle and crew to take care of the job. The transformation has been well worth the topsy turvy, hectic last 7 weeks.

The “long” room before and after

The kitchen before and after

And the living room before and after it became the dining room lol

So that’s been the main sounds of silence- hammers pounding, paint brushes slathering, and dry wall dust settling 🙂 We are so happy to be on this side of this project.

Another sound of silence has been me traveling. Most unusual visit award recently goes to this thrift store in Northern PA. The Amish lady that owned it said that her husband worked for an auctioneer. The store was practically bulging at the seams with household items.

And final sound of silence: my garden growing!(hopefully) Last year we discovered that part of the topsoil in the garden was only a few inches deep-so Ben eliminated that problem with 5 loads of topsoil 😅. It was definitely therapeutic to cover those first seeds with warm soil.

Silence is a good thing (unless there are 3 year old twins involved)

(The twins loved the window that looked from our living room into the long room before the wall was removed)

Scripture encourages silence a lot. I didn’t realize how much until I started researching for this post:

For God alone my soul waits in silence and quietly submits to Him, For my hope is from Him Psalms 62:5

It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. Lamentations 3:26

Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent. Proverbs 17:28

But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him.” Habakkuk 2:20

Silence is not typically my go to move… but it looks like I’d do well to practice more.

And I’m pretty sure I just heard Ben agree with this conclusion (silently or otherwise) lol

Blessings on whatever winter project you’re completing,
