Be Still

Last November, Mr Rohrer very graciously offered to get me whatever I wanted for my birthday. Man, the sky is the limit with an offer like that! So I mulled over it for a day or two, and then perfect request hit me right in the middle of Tractor Supply.

“Birdseed! Could I have a 40 lb bag of sunflower seed?” And let me tell you we’ve been having quite the birdday party ever since!

Because of ‘22 blood clot in the lungs, I‘m considered high risk and am needing to take blood thinner shots every morning during this stage of life to protect me and the baby. I’ve found the shots go much easier if I take my time and ice good and proper. So every morning, I sit on the couch and ice and watch the birds out the window.

Ben often joins me for a cup of coffee during the icing. And he doesn’t have the luxury of seeing the bird feeder from his easy chair, so I try to keep him in the loop. “Oh my! The cardinal is picking on the junco!” “There’s a new bird here today-it’s like a little brown butterball!” “The nuthatch is running up and down the sherpherds hook that holds feeder!”

Mr Rohrer has long since tuned out my bird play by plays.

This past week was so bitterly cold, and I loved thinking about how God was using my birthday in November to care for His birds.

Watching birds at the feeder takes a lot of sitting in stillness and waiting.

I’ve really felt that the past few weeks, as we put the van up for sale, and I wait on April. I’m so excited about the next stage of life, but there is a mix of emotions. Change is hard.

First snow of the winter and I got up early to sit by the fire and watch it ☺️

Waiting is hard.

I’m still learning to sit in stillness and trust God to move while I do nothing but wait.

There’s so much beauty in this season of waiting.

Be Still and Know That I AM God.

Be Still and Know That I AM.

Be Still and Know.

Be Still.


~ St. Patrick

I believe, help my unbelief 🙏🏼


Bonus Pics:

Ben DREADS the thought of snow, so I thought maybe I could help easy the pain, if I caught the “snowstorm doughnut” tradition that so many in the Valley share… We used his grandma’s recipe and idk that it’s changed his opinion on Arctic temps, but hopefully it’s made us a few friends 😂

I found something that chases away silence and waiting and can put away a number of doughnuts all at once. 3 somethings actually 🧑🏼🧑🏼‍🦰👶🏼

My cousin has twins a year and a half older than my nephews and they started a peddle tractor parade in my parents basement during a quilting party recently… not much stillness and waiting here either 😂❤️