
If I were to sum up the month of May in one word- it would definitely be “amazing.”

1. a·maz·ing /əˈmāziNG/ adjective causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.

2. Zing /ziNG/ verb -move rapidly, making a high-pitched ringing or whining noise.

May is probably the most beautiful month- the blue skies, clear and warm without much humidity. We haven’t had many of those this year- the temp can’t seem to find the middle ground between 90° and 55°. But it’s still beautiful. We’ve started to enjoy the fruits of our garden. I always helped Mother with her garden project, but with being in and out like my schedule tends to be, I wasn’t very reliable. Anyhow I can’t believe that we’ve successfully planted and God gave the increase already 🤩It’s literally astonishing. (I know I’m still in the honeymoon stage of life- but this is just amazing.)

And alas, May has gone zinging past, in a hurry.

I’ve been on the road some. I took a group of ladies to Shippensburg shopping, Lurgan Greenhouses is a must see.

Ben took me trucking with him 🥰 He hauls soybeans to the Port of Richmond. That was definitely an educational experience. Our grain got put directly into a container and then loaded for export.

My dad and I tag teamed on a trip to a Lancaster wedding. They filled the bus and still had enough passengers to need my van.

We had a blast roaming over Lancaster County during our wait time- going from doughnut shop to doughnut shop. I’d heard that Sunnyside Pastries’ filled doughnuts were equal to/better than Shady Maples- so we went to see for ourselves. Try them if you get the chance. I don’t think you can lose with either place. And for sure you won’t lose any weight 😂

We met with friends for a picnic lunch and explored several different businesses before it was time to head south.

This is what happens if you don’t clean your gutters 😂 Country Lane Succulents is another must see.

This week our little town has suffered a great loss. The owner of our favorite country store lost a battle to cancer. Mr Mark and his wife Kris were the unofficial welcoming committee to Singers Glen. They saved the day a number of times with their delicious sandwiches.

I hate how often we wait til after a death to realize how much someone made a difference in our world. Mr Mark wouldn’t believe how sad we all are. Prayers for the family.

And lastly, the twins spent a good part of yesterday, riding with Father and I. Just when they were about ready to be done with helping, the Farmer’s Wife brought a surprise or “prise” as Isaiah kept exclaiming over and over. (A Melissa and Doug Lace and Trace set.) Suddenly both boys wanted to ride with me and I felt like I was hosting a sewing circle 😂 Thanks Myrna for the thoughtful gift ❤️

Yes May has zinged past, but in its wake it leaves a lot of memories that I’ll treasure for a long time. These days are amazing.

Thank you Jesus,



“We don’t have chickens, we need to get away” announced the man of the house.

And you know me. When it comes to travel, I don’t argue.

We kicked a few ideas around, but in the end, we just hopped in the car and headed 33 east.

“If I’m going to have a good trip, the first thing we need is new windshield wipers” stated the man of the house

After a quick stop, we were all ready for a good trip.

And that honestly was how the entire weekend went.


“Hey I heard they are building a new dairy complex” and next thing we knew we were easing back the farm lane.

“Hey I remember a thrift store on the left right out of Orange”

“Hey can we stop at the BBQ Exchange in Gordonsville?”

Our only rules for the trip was “no chain restaurants and no interstates”

Admittedly I couldn’t believe how many thrift stores/antique shops we stopped at and how patiently Ben waited in me to peruse through the plunder. We found some great treasures. ☺️

“Hey I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Neck”

“Look at those murals! Can we stop?”

“Let’s find seafood for supper” so Ben called a friend that was kinda local and he directed us to a delicious stop in downtown Montross, AND called ahead and covered our tab. Wow

Day #2 of our ramble found us heading west through central Virginia. Mostly it was unchartered territory for me and familiar roads to Ben who basically custom farmed the entire state of VA at one time or another.

“Let’s eat here. I’ve had lots of meals from the place, but have never eaten inside.”

“When did they put a coffee shop here?”

“We drive along and it’s flat like this and then suddenly it’s like you’re going down a mountain.”

The Blue Ridge Parkway was the crowning glory of our ramble. We travelled a section that I’d never been on before and stopped at every overlook that struck our fancy.

Feat Massanutten Peak

500 miles later, we turned into our little town of Singers Glen, refreshed from our adventure.

So thankful to the Giver of Every Good Thing for the many ways this weekend was a dream come true to me.

Praise Him,


Preserving Memories

The spunky little lady stood there holding the Disney themed children’s place set in her hands- so firmly that I didn’t think there was a chance she’d sell it to me.

“Well this was my granddaughters and she’s all grown now and the country she lives in doesn’t have Disney. I’m moving to a retirement home so I have to get rid of this. But it’s so many memories. How much would you pay me? This is really hard on me.”

At this point I realized that I didn’t have enough money in my banking account to purchase this item. Instead of seeing the potential customer in front of her- I could tell that her memory was pulling up a little girl with tiny ponytails, in a high chair, eating spaghetti and jabbering about the Snoopy fork and spoon.

“Well, would you pay me a dollar?”

“Yes, ma’am, I sure would! I can assure you that my nephews will love this well.”

As I paid her and slid the set into my backpack and hurried away, I kept feeling like I’d purchased something almost sacred.

How much can one pay for a lifetime of memories?

Snapchat scares me sometimes. Everyday it creates a little story with Bitmoji’s and the storylines follow my thought process a little too closely. (The other very exciting yard sale bargain from Saturday was a pressure canner)

This was Sunday’s story:

These days I am preserving memories as hard as I can go:

One of the last memories canned I guess should be labeled as “Sardines” or “Pishhh” 😂 Both Julia’s and Cousin Twila’s twins were at the pond. Aunt Em found some earthworms and helped each of the boys catch multiple Bluegill with a tiny fishing pole left by a guest. Each catch (no matter the size) was properly celebrated and the entire evening a riot. “MOM! I JUST CAUGHT THE TINIEST FISH I EVER SAW!!”

Spring ‘21/ Spring ‘22

Apple Delight: the Apple Tree in our backyard was gorgeous again this year. Trying to take a pic on self timer was ridiculous. How do you tell a dog where to look and when to smile 😂 this is the only pic that we got that was half decent.

Hopefully a lot more actual preserves comes from our attempt at gardening. Ideally the resident watchdog will sit on the edge and keep the critters at bay- and not turn the place into a series of Dirt Digging Festivities 😅

I’m happy that we’re preserving memories because we sure aren’t preserving mushrooms 😂 Ben and I still enjoyed an afternoon of rambling around in his family’s woods even if the only thing we brought home was an old stump for our flowerbed.

Years from now, I don’t know what will bring back the most nostalgia for me. But if I could literally can a moment… As children, we spent days riding with Father in his cabover, grabbing a bite to eat occasionally (when he wasn’t too busy to remember to be hungry😂.) Watching the twins get to experience some of the same fun gives me all the feels.

I’m savoring this current life we’re living as much as I can. I hope that I never forget this feeling of awe/incredible blessing. I can’t get over how much fun it is to set up our own house. I hope this honeymoon stage lasts for another 50 years. Two months in- we should be good, right? I’m storing memories regardless.

Ps 16:5 Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.
6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
7 I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.
8 I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure
10 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.
11 You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Pause for a moment and savor the memories you’re canning today ❤️
