
I have a scar on my arm. My right arm. I don’t really know what happened. But apparently,recently as I drive along, my left hand loves to jump over to visit my scar. My scar doesn’t like company. And especially not touch. It gets all red and irritated. It is not comfortable with its visitor. By the time I realized that we had a little visitation issue-my neat little scar became quite inflamed and ugly and I thought ” dear me-I’m gonna need to wear a bandaid to hide this until it calms down…” And then I laughed-hide my scar from what? My hand I guess…

But the truth is. My heart has scars. Things that happened way back in the past. It healed up ok, but occasionally it gets a visitor who places cold harsh fingers on my scar and in a mocking voice says “Remember? It really is true. They really do think that of you. You really are worthless. Remember?” And even though it was way back when and things are all forgotten-my scar bristles at the memory and I hurt all over again…I need that bandaid to hide the pain…

Then Jesus comes like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day and He wraps me and my hurting heart up in his gentle arms and says “Place your hand in my side, Daughter… See the holes in my hands…I took this for you… Just so we could have this relationship… Your scars are painful. I know-But it’s ok. It draws you to me.”

” But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Cor 12:9

Heal the wound, but leave the scar-a reminder of how merciful You are… 

10 blessings on 10-10

“I’m so glad to live in a world where there are Octobers..” -Anne of Green Gables

This is a ridiculously overused quote this time of year- I know- but bear with me…

I’m not sure when I first heard about Daughters of Promise Magazine..  I do know, that Katie was instrumental in randomly showing up one day with a magazine in tow and saying “Here- I think you’d enjoy this…” She thought right  🙂 Basically it’s a “Anabaptist-founded ladies magazine created to inspire godliness…” And each publication is chock full of food for thought. This discovery has been a blessing. Thanks Kate for the heads up 🙂

And the reason for the sales pitch here- this month they are hosting an InstaChallenge on Instagram. Each day they post a theme and then it’s up to “your creative interpretation”. I have had so much fun with this! Emily and Deborah have gotten on board as well and you may or may not see us roaming all over the fields searching for the appropriate #roomtobreathe photo or sending pics back and forth- “does this look okay for #sweetsips?” And- as I look at my life through my camera lens- I am so excited! October is an amazing month!


(This is Deb’s #sweetsips entry  a smoothie made from passion fruit- isn’t it a beautiful color?)

You see, sometimes, my prayers go something like this: “thank you, Heavenly Father, for all you’ve done for me. Please bless my family. Continue to keep me in your care…….. In Jesus name- Amen”  I am so blessed beyond what I deserve… But way WAY too often- as I’m talking to the Father- I don’t fully grasp or convey my feelings of gratitude…  I just take it for granted.

So today- I’m excited to claim 10 blessings as mine!! (there are way more than 10… But 10-10 seems like a good day to start with that number)


  1. I’m thankful for God’s grace. So often when the garden of life produces thistles- I don’t handle them like I should… I’m so glad for a second chance.IMG_5309  IMG_5314

2. I’m glad for supportive parents. My dad and his love of farming and his ever-present Diet Mountain Dew… My mom and her exotic bouquets… They bless me so…

Horst sisters

3. My sisters…( Thanks Jessica Lehigh for the gorgeous shot…) God sure knew what He was doing when he designed families… thanks for what you mean to me!


4. Protection. God is so good!  I hope I can say that even when the river overfills its banks and eats away at my crops… Thankful for the rain and that it wasn’t as much as they had forecasted.. He takes such good care of me…


5. Creativity- My sisters have been having a blast with their latest “Cornerside Country Crafts” brainchild… I’m glad that we have different talents are are given the ability to express those in whatever way…

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6. Nature- I love watching God’s creation. Valiant came in earlier this week with 3 small bucks! They “shook their antlers in disbelief” as she walked up to the backdoor and helped herself to the dog food buffet with our labs. Silly deer.. 🙂 A trip to Cass, WV was another chance to enjoy the beautiful out-of-doors.


7. I’m glad the chance to learn never stops. Last week I felt like I was on a field trip 🙂 I took the owners of a local store on a shopping trip to PA and we hit a pile of warehouses… Did you know that fabric arrives in 100+ yard rolls and there is a machine that folds it in half and puts it on a bolt in 35 yards lots before it is ready to hit the shelves in the fabric store? I didn’t.


8. Exploration. I love to just roam the fields and observe the change of season- pretty sure this goes back to my favorite afternoons in third grade science- when Mr Ranck would take us out to climb Hobb’s Hill or  wherever and we’d return home laden down with treasures (like those green brain looking fruit that have a sticky glue-like substance- from a crab apple tree? >>oops somebody tells me they are Osage Orange- I remembered it was some kind of fruit😂<< I was sure it was a real find- lol)


9. Encouragement. My family is my best cheerleaders. (Even if they do roll their eyes when I start a conversation with “I have a big idea”) I’m glad for their support and their voice of wisdom. I’m all excited about my “7 day nature themed encouragement cards” Basically it’s the secret pal idea in fast forward.  I have been so blessed by others encouragement when I’ve gone through a down time and my prayer is that these will make it easy for us to reach out in encouragement to others! Jess and the staff at Campbell’s Print Center did a fantastic job on these. Thanks to those of you who’ve been willing to give my project a try! 🙂

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10. Life is beautiful. Really it is. Sometimes it’s more flamboyant like this sunset in the field the other night. But I’m so glad to be surrounded by beauty..

What are your blessings today? I’m sure the snapshots of your life will look a different from mine- but my challenge for you is to take the time to see how good God is. I’m convicted this morn that this blessing thing is not a one way street.

I will bless the Lord at all times- His praise will continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear therof, and be glad. Oh magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.. I sought the Lord and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears… Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes trusteth in him. Ps 34;1-4,8

May my life be spent blessing the One from whom these amazing blessings flow,
