Annual Review// 2018 Christmas Letter// Great is Thy Faithfulness

Dear friends,

As always, I started making a mental list of things I wanted to add to the annual Christmas letter. But I ran into a terrible problem. My debate went something like this:

 1. Travel. I don’t know- basically all I did was travel this year. It was a little extreme. Maybe I’ll skip mentioning that this year.

2. Ulcerative Colitis. Everybody has aches and pain. Let’s skip that. 

3. Weather. The constant rain challenge has had lots of people scrambling. Plus it sounds like I’m complaining and I really don’t intend to complain.

 Wait I’m already most of the way through the year and haven’t found anything to write about. Maybe I’ll skip the letter-but I love reading everybody else’s, so turn around is fair play. And since I don’t have my children’s school projects or my husband’s job to write about- I guess I might as well go back to the beginning and write about my year.

So brace yourself- Kendra’s 2018 Travel Extravaganza and Other Activities:    

My 2018 started out dry and cold. In fact we ice skated in the full moonlight to bring in the New Year. So bitter cold and so gorgeous. North River froze for the first time in 55 years. I skated on it at night and as I met small groups of people skating in the opposite direction – I envisioned myself over in Europe meeting other villagers as we hurried through the cold on our various agendas. Silver Lake was also frozen for the first time in years. And late one night found Nate on one knee asking Deborah a very significant question. Her answer largely impacted my activities for the next few months. 🙂

The adventure of my February was accompanying Deb to Nicaragua. Our trip included lots of fabric shopping (thanks to the aforementioned significant question), time at the beach, catching up with our friends there and just enjoying being back. 

Somewhere around the middle of March the rains began with a vengeance. It’s incredible to remember the rain through each season. We assumed it would be short lived, and yet they continued.

And my health… I really had some down time this spring. I am thankful everyday that I found meds that have me alive again! Good health is such a blessing.

Once the spring finally warmed up, we dodged rain showers, covered a number of acres and hurried towards May 26. Deborah and Nate’s wedding week was a beautiful whirlwind full of out-of-state visitors and long hours and fun memories. And it was a success! They both said “I do” as this big sis watched from the sidelines and begged herself not to cry. Gaining family is so much fun.

Summer sloshed its way onto the calendar as we waited for the rains to clear enough to proceed with grain harvest. At the last possible moment, the clouds parted and we pushed as hard as we could to secure harvest ahead of July 7, the magical date when half of our crew disappeared into the wild blue yonder. (more details in the next paragraph)

Emily and I were privileged to spend 2 whirlwind weeks exploring the Rocky Mountain Region with 6 Amish ladies from Lancaster. Our travels stretched from the Grand Canyon to Glacier Park and a number of stops in between. We have a number of stories to report from that adventure.

Another highlight was the annual Family OBX week.  Julia, Emily, and Kerry all made appearances- hopefully, next year it will suit all of the crew.

Chopping season was slow in arriving thanks to the unusual year, but we ended up having a really strong season. The constant rain kept us on our toes, dodging showers, and got us familiar with pulling out tractors and carts (the saturated ground produced wet spots even on hillsides) I washed the last of the mud off of the cutter and parked it in the shed with an extra grateful heart. A safe season is such a blessing!

The harvest game shifted to bean harvest and again found part of the crew deserting again. This time I took the food committee with me- MOTHER! We adventured through the New England States and part of Canada- traveling the Cabot Trail and through Prince Edward Island. The leaves were so breathtakingly beautiful. I added a number of states to my life list- taking the grand total to 47.

December found us still waiting for the sun to shine and the beans to dry, so we could return to the field. And finally with extra grateful hearts, we secured the final field of soybeans. This year has been such an incredible challenge weatherwise. Every rainy day from now until springtime, will find me rejoicing.

Through it all, this year has created an anthem that follows me every day. It echoes through my mind during every late night ride from yet another trip to PA, or OH, NY, or wherever. It follows me through the field as the rain clouds come and go. I’m reminded of it as I celebrate milestones with my family (Julia turned 30 this year, Father turned 60) I hum it as I grieve the hard things with my family like the approaching date of another knee surgery for Emily… Over and Over and Over:

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee,
Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not,
As Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!

Great is Thy faithfulness!

Morning by morning new mercies I see

All I have needed Thy hand hath provided

Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above;
Join with all nature in manifold witness,
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lam 3:22-23

Happy New Year,


Let it be Christmas

Having to work on Christmas Day is kind of a bummer. Having family that’s always up for an adventure can turn any bummer into most exotic experience… Let me explain:

My dad loves NYC, so it was no question whether we could act as chauffeurs for a group hoping to fly out of JFK on Christmas Day. The van was only partially full of passengers.

So enter a very sweet bro-in-law (Kerry, you’re awesome) who takes care of the Homefront while allowing Em to travel with me. And my ever patient Mother, and you have our group.

After dropping our passengers to fly the friendly skies, the adventure intensified.

We got picked up at our motel by our Fresh Air Fund Friend: Damon and daughter Kaelani, and friends Britney and Peaches. And they showed us all around. Traffic wasn’t very hectic as we started our adventure.

The Jewish section of NYC was really interesting. The girls in their plaid skirts, married ladies and their wigs, and men in their hats and long dark coats hurried up and down the streets. I know very little about these Hasidic Jews and found this brief intro to their culture so fascinating. December 25 is business as usual in these parts.

We crossed the Brooklyn Bridge and entered a completely different world. The Empire State Building welcomed us with a glow of cheery red and green.

We left the safety of our chauffeurs suburban and joined the crowds heading for the Rockefeller Center. We and half of NYC, (maybe half of the nations population) headed for the famous tree. Father said he didn’t even have to walk-the crowd carried/pushed him onward as they moved forward and he stopped when they stopped. 🙈

The masses of people were insane. Our tour guide Peaches parted the crowd and we tucked in her wake and tried to absorb the experience. (Average viewers of the tree during the holiday season is a mere 750,000. Christmas Day def was above the average)

The lights, cold air and city festivities created a one of a kind magic. Christmas was in the air.

Even more outstanding than the 72 foot tall Norway Spruce with its 50,000 lights was the Saks at 5th Avenue Light Show. Again the crowd smashed in thick around us as the music played and the lights pulsed and we took pics and laughed in excitement for the 10 seconds before Father was ready to head on. Damon rolled up to the curb and we hit the trail.

Dallas BBQ provided the finish touch to a one of a kind Christmas.

And as the Christmas moon lit the NYC skyline and I watched the constant hustle from my motel window, I couldn’t help marvel the stark contrast in the various interpretations we witnessed on this day we celebrate and reflect on Jesus’s humble birth…

Let it Be Christmas –Alan Jackson

Let it be Christmas everywhere

In the hearts of all people both near and a far

Christmas everywhere

Feel the love of the season wherever you are

On the small country roads lined with green mistletoe

Big city streets where a thousand lights glow

Let it be Christmas everywhere

Let heavenly music fill the air

Let every heart sing let every bell ring

The story of hope and joy and peace

And let it be Christmas everywhere

Let heavenly music fill the air

Let anger and fear and hate disappear

Let there be love that lasts through the year

Let it be Christmas

Christmas everywhere

Merry Christmas,


When Your Sister Gives Family Heirlooms for Christmas

May 26, 1858 was a big day for the Rhodes household. Mr Reuben Swope was born.

Time flew by as the family struggled to survive. Within 3 years, the Civil War ripped through the nation, through their beautiful Shenandoah Valley and even through the Rhodes household. Undoubtedly Mama Rhodes watched her growing family and wondered what they would face if they survived in this war torn Valley.

But peace returned to the Valley.

Mr Reuben became an adult, joined the church, courted and wed Mary Magdalene Rhodes. He was ordained deacon in the church, and had a number of children. And that’s about the extent of my knowledge.

RSR and wife Magdalene

Rhodes Family

Until now.

I love the group chat I have with my sisters. (Reportedly my bro-in-laws are not as fond of the constant messaging 🤔) anyhow Em dropped a bombshell several months ago: “I have the gift of gifts for Mother. Nothing that y’all get will compete. I’m sorry. It will blow her mind.”

The mystery gift was the Family Bible of Reuben Swope Rhodes. Emily’s generous brother-in-law purchased this gift at a family auction, and gave it to Em, who in turn gave it to Mother. (Mother’s Dad was given the full name of his grandfather: Reuben Swope Rhodes. Incidentally you may meet my cousin- RSR III if you’re at the right place at the right time 😉)

After Mother recovered from her shock, she carefully started perusing the pages of this brittle book. And the treasures she finding. I’m left with so many questions.

Newspaper clippings: announcing a death or a old folks singing where they sang “in the sweet bye and bye” and dinner was served on the church grounds. The most outstanding article was the death of RSR, 77 and his brother WP, 81- only hours apart. Carefully listed were the pallbearers for each brother, and the fact that Russell Cline and a Frank Hurst conducted the service. This article also informed me that my great great grandmother died on her husband’s 61st birthday, and that RSR was known for his honesty and integrity. He remarried at the age of 72 to Elizabeth Heatwole, and she passed away 3 months before RSR was stricken with a stroke and also died.

Dried flowers- so many pansies, ferns, and even a carnation. I wonder who’s eager hands had placed the fresh flower between the pages.

Bank records: a careful ledger of who owes who money lies between the battered pages. One being my great granddad, Web.

But most importantly- the family record. Carefully between the Old and New Testament is record of the family. As Mother told me who was which family, I was amazed at the number of the Valley folk who share our Rhodes family roots.

I’m also surprised that my lack of ability to spell comes from whoever kept the record. Bless their heart. Reuben is spelled Rheuben at one place and Ruben the next. Daughter Mary is “Marry”, Nettie Ellen is entered as “Netie Elen” and they are blessed by the arrival of the first son and blested with the second son.

Regardless, this family treasure has reminded me of the blessing of a godly family heritage.

After all our hopes and dreams have come and gone

And our children sift through all we’ve left behind

May the clues that they discover and the memories they uncover

Become the light that leads them to the road we each must find

Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

May the fire of our devotion light their way

May the footprints that we leave

Lead them to believe

And the lives we live inspire them to obey

(Excerpt from “Find us Faithful by Steve Green)

Also if anyone has any good Christmas gift ideas-I can use all the help I can get 😅


Through the Eyes of a Child

Last week I shot up the road to visit with my long lost cousin Marj 🙂 it has been years since I visited their farm, this was long overdue. We solved a few of the worlds problems, took a stroll to the barn, drank a few gallons of coffee and I was treated royally- Marj is a wonderful cook, and her lively family is so much fun! So thankful for the progress Mr Kaiden has made over the journey with his heart challenge… what an adorable chubby fellow 💞

Our evening project was a candy tractor assembly line. I grabbed a few bags of candy on a whim and then wasn’t quite sure how to proceed with putting them together with hot glue guns and children ranging from 2-10. 😅 I worry too much.

We manufactured the tractors quite easily. And then as I watched, they plowed another of my worries straight into the dirt. My little, 2 year old buddy, Korwin led the parade, because his tractor was the first off the assembly line. I heard him start the candy bar motor with a low roar. He drove back and forth across the table until all of his siblings tractors were completed, and they could join him. Mikayla’s tractor was apparently a 2-cylinder because her tractor started with a “put-put-put” and I laughed at how quickly those other tractors converted to put-putting as well. Such simple delight! Admittedly I spent a few miles en route talking myself into even going through with this little lame project. 🙈

The older children soon carefully took their tractors and parked them away for the night. But not Korwin. He drove his tractor on towards bedtime. He switched into PJ’s and continued to farm. (Somewhere along the line, the 2- cylinder switched back into the strong roar of a diesel.) He belly-laughed when the snowman tractor operator collapsed from exhaustion and had to be reglued. He roared up the steps at bedtime and carefully parked his tractor behind the door.

Early the next morning, he roared down the steps and farmed relentlessly around breakfast. And once a wheel fell off, and he received the green light from his parents, he ate his tractor one piece at a time, and belly-laughed with chocolate smeared on his face.

And my heart melted into a puddle. 😍

As I watched the Groff children’s react to my little project, I couldn’t help but analyze me and my Christmas expectations:

Pure delight over the simple. Complete joy-filled mirth, regardless of circumstances, it was wonderful to behold.

A friend summed this up completely: “If we all could see the world through the eyes of a child, we would see the magic in everything”

Thank you, Korwin and family for reminding me to feel deeply the simple things of this season.



Bonus Pics:

I spent a weekend in the Finger Lake region recently. Such a beautiful world!

And we woke up the most magical frosty kingdom here in the Valley last week…

Hoarfrost doesn’t happen often around here, and when it does it’s something to behold!

And lastly… My friends have the most adorable families 💞 Here my dad is entertaining the Rohrer brothers with the latest Farmer Stan book. The original order of books have all found their new homes ☺️ but there are more on the way-so if you’re interested in this version on my dad’s poetry- email me your request

Farmer Stan and the Very Best Equipment

I am like a child waiting for Christmas. Every day I check my tracking number and feel a little annoyed that my package is still in Arizona. I even felt a little bit of disappointment over the day of mourning over President Bush’s passing because of how it might delay my shipment. But hopefully next week- the next round of Farmer Stan books will arrive in the Valley. ☺️ (his first book is here )

My mom is worried that it’s not on a child’s level and my sisters are very annoyed and accuse us of being a “turncoat” 🙄

But I present to you: Farmer Stan and the Very Best Equipment.

This book is written in poetry form, and includes all the hilarious poetry my dad (did you know his first name is Stanley?) has written during harvest. Video Links are here and here.

And at the suggestion of the editor (my mom) He wrote another verse or two. 😉 (Spoiler alert: Claas machines and MM Weaver’s prompt service get a fairly significant pat on the back)

In summary Farmer Stan and his friends have a good-natured discussion, and in the end:

They had a good laugh and Stan drove out the lane

So thankful the difference did not cause a strain

Cause no matter what kind of equipment you use

A friendship is much too precious to lose!

So if you need me next week- I’m either going to be watching out the window for the mailman or reading our latest Farmer Stan book and laughing.


Bonus Pic:

Oh, it doesn’t really matter

If your tractors red or green

For your friends will promptly scatter

If you hold that your machine

Is the only one worth owning

If you’re constantly intoning

That your father’s kind of farming is the best

No, it isn’t any issue

Whether Bosch or Kitchen Aid

Is the mixer of the dish you serve

Or whether it is made

Out of margarine or butter

There’s no cause to spat and sputter

That your mother’s kind of cooking is the best.

For God the perfect tractor

Isn’t yellow, green, or red

But the Lord’s deciding factor

Is the farmer’s heart instead.

If the soil your plow is breaking

And the cake your mixer’s making

Praise and glorify the Lord-

They are the best!

-Lucy A. Martin