My God I thank Thee

I’ve been humming this song written by Adelaide Procture all week. Crazy how something penned in the 1850s can apply to 2020 so perfectly and so it’s my Thanksgiving challenge to myself. I thought I’d share it with you too:

My God, I thank Thee, who hast made
The earth so bright,
So full of splendor and of joy,
Beauty and light;
So many glorious things are here,
Noble and right.

I thank Thee, too, that Thou hast made
Joy to abound;
So many gentle thoughts and deeds
Circling us round,
That in the darkest spot of earth
Some love is found.

I thank Thee more that all our joy
Is touched with pain,
That shadows fall on brightest hours,
That thorns remain;
So that earth’s bliss may be our guide,
And not our chain.

I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast kept
The best in store;
We have enough, yet not too much
To long for more:
A yearning for a deeper peace
Not known before.

I thank Thee, Lord, that here our souls
Though amply blessed,
Can never find, although they seek
A perfect rest;
Nor ever shall, until they lean
On Jesus’ breast.

Happy Thanksgiving,


Bonus pics:

I’ve traveled past this church all my life, but Sunday afternoon was my first chance to actually peek inside a bit. So many questions about the families who worshipped here and when and why this church was abandoned and changed over into a hay shed… Thanks Ben for being my travel agent ❤️ (I’d say tour guide, but someone had already been inside the building enough times dropping off bales, that he didn’t see the need to leave the comforts of his truck, thus leaving his gf to her own explorations 😂)

The Tangle of the Years

I may have mentioned that I’m Queen of starting a conversation with “I have a big idea.” For whatever reason, those I love often groan, sigh, and act like “if the conversation never progresses past that opening line, it’ll be toooo soooon.” But then they listen and either get on board or talk me out of whatever the current idea is.

In ‘12 I had a lightbulb idea before my mom turned 50. She requested/insisted on no hurrah. But what kind of a celebration is that? One afternoon in the dairy, it struck me to organize a literature shower for her.

The plan was simple- ask her friends to send in something- a poem, a short story, a song- just something for her literature loving heart to mull over. If we could get 50 pieces- that’d be amazing.

My sisters were fairly dubious (I think the exact quote was “dumbest idea ever”) but Aunt Janet thought it was a lovely idea- so I prevailed and in the end- my mom has a very thick scrapbook full of wide range of well loved treasures. (50 pieces and lots to grow on)

One by one I’ve hosted a similar shower for my mom’s poetry thirsty sisters and this fall- it was Aunt Janets turn. (Thanks to those of you who’ve faithful shared your favorites for each of these showers 🥰)

Mother and I delivered our pieces in early November and Mother read this one aloud while Cousin Juanita and I winked at each other and handed out tissues…

In the Tangle of the Years

 – Beth Wallace Slaymaker

Tell me where my babies went,

Did you see them pass this way?

They all ran down the garden path

To a place they loved to play.

They ran so fast I never knew

Just where they went nor why,

But here one lost a little shoe

Beside a great mud pie.

And here one plucked a crimson rose

And left his three-legged stool

His sailboat trails a broken mast

Across the lily pool.

All along the path I see

The things they left behind,

Their voices and their merry glee

Still echo on the wind.

Oh tell me where my babies went

And stay these futile tears

I’ve lost them by the garden path

In the tangle of the years.

This poem brought to mind this pic from a Southern Living magazine back in the day… There’s Yours Truly rocking those pink strap flip flops 💪🏼😂

While I smiled a little at my mom and aunts sentiments over thoughts of days gone by- I’m shocked at how rapidly this year of babies has flown past.

📸 credit: Julia

Alexander’s newborn pics came back recently and I’ve been intending to share a few. Jessica Ryder Photography did another excellent job capturing that newborn sweetness 😍

My little buddies 💙 I wonder if Grammy will have passed on her love of literature to any of them 😉

Hope this finds you entering this week of Thanksgiving with a renewed awareness of what all there is to be thankful for.



Bonus pics:

I know my posts recently seem to be full of baby pics 😉 but that’d not the only thing we are up to these days. Enjoy a quick photo tour of a few of my favorite fall experiences:

I was in Missouri for a weekend and a neighbor’s mini train has me totally enamored. They got the gas train running the day we were there (not the steam one) We shot through the woods and through the tunnel and around the bend and over bridge before arriving back at the station. Such a unique fun hobby!

My Ben friend took me to breakfast one Saturday and we chased the most outstanding Western Rainbow en route.

Bless his patient heart for being ok with alllll the pictures 😉

After breakfast, Ben covered my first job assignment, so I could linger beside Silver Lake until the hot air balloons had taken their traditional dip. I smiled at the number of kayaks on the chase crews trailers. There’s wisdom in being prepared!

And finally- I’ll leave you with a reminder from our tree at the pond:

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8

An Auntie Sleepover Hosted by the Twins

“It’s Papa’s birthday and we’re going away

But the aunts are coming here to stay”

Then I winked at brother and he winked at me

We caught a power nap around 8

And waited til the aunts felt smug (big mistake)

Then I signaled brother and he signaled me.

We stood up in our cribs and proceeded to yell

It bounced off the walls and worked quite well

Til the aunts came for brother and they came for me.

Someone had put away all of the toys

You could hardly tell this place hosted boys

But leave it to brother and leave it to me

We flew thru the house at lightning speed

Tossing toys and tasting whatever we felt the need

No sleep for brother and no sleep for me

“I’m so glad we’re staying up late, aren’t you, Aunt Ken?”

Finally about 10:45 we fought one final fight

With a snuggy under my arm, I settled in for the night

A sleepover for brother/ a sleepover for me

We checked in with the aunts about 2 or so

I think that’s why mama left them here-I don’t know

One aunt for brother and one aunt for me

We woke up early along with the sun

I guess that makes our first sleepover done

A success for brother/a success for me

It wasn’t too stressful I’m happy to say

But I’d rather watch mama any day

Then I grin at brother and he grins at me

Admittedly spent most of the weekend laughing at their innocent antics. These boys bring so much joy 💙 Aunt Ken loves you, buddies💙

Bonus Pic:

Isaiah spent most of the afternoon pushing this recliner in a circle. Grandfather complained of getting dizzy, but Alexander loved it 😂