
“Oh wow! Look at the violets!” I excitedly attempted to photograph the little beauties who were basking in the sunshine, as Ben and I hiked past.

“I’m sorry I’m taking so long” I apologized as my longsuffering boyfriend stood there waiting as I swooned over the little purple faces smiling at me.

“Take your time” Ben reassured me “it’s not like we have anything else to do.”

And that pretty much sums up our Sunday.

I’ve often thought Sunday being a “Day of Rest” is a bit of a satire. Back in my dairy farming days- if I’d milked twice, go to church twice, and got invited away for Sunday lunch- I’d drag into Monday morning exhausted.

More recently- I often travel on weekends creating a very similar problem. Without any responsibilities jobwise (thanks to the travel ban) and no literal church meeting- I’ve never experienced such a Day of Rest as this.

My fam took a Sunday Picnic to a Natural Chimeys. The twins slept through the entire thing.

They missed watching Uncle Nate throw caution to the wind and spy out the land from afar

They also missed Grandfather hiking while practicing social distancing to the letter… socializing via text. Thank you, Jesus for protecting him from spraining an ankle or breaking a leg on an unnoticed tree root as he wandered along. Don’t text and walk, folks.

We all missed Kerry and Em at our little party, but I guess them having other plans kept our gathering under 10 people. What a wonderful, leisure day.

And from the sounds of things- we’ll be looking forward to more days like this in the near future.

I’m currently in the middle of a “thru the Bible in a year” study with some friends and not to long ago we completed the Book of Joshua.

Joshua led the Children of Israel through battle after battle and celebrated so many victories.

But the last verse stood out to me. “Then the land had rest from war.” (Joshua 14:15)

I don’t know what battles you’ve been fighting, but I was so challenged to stop an enjoy this break from the typical battles- this season of rest. I even broke it down a bit further:

R: Refocus: adjust the focus of (a lens or one’s eyes).

E: Evaluate: form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess.

S: Savor: enjoy or appreciate (something pleasant) completely, especially by dwelling on it.

T: Trust: believe in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of.

The current virus uncertainty is a little ripple in the ocean of life and is of no surprise to God. He already knows what will become of all the disrupted schedules, plans, dreams, and agendas. He’s already working ahead to provide for us. REST in that. Whatever the future may be: God’s already there. Nothing is too hard for Him- He’s got this. Trust Him.

And mostly seize today for its unprecedented uniqueness. Whether it’s the chance to homeschool your children, the lack of a job schedule, or the wide open Sunday calendar. This is completely unheard of, and can leave you feeling uneasy about what’s ahead. I’m confident- that God can and will take the current situation- and turn this around FOR HIS GLORY. It may not be as we’d expect, but He’s that powerful and He’s that good. ❤️ This is a special time. Claim the promises of Psalms 91!

Carpe Diem, friends. Enjoy this season 🙏🏼💞


Bonus Pics:

I just wanna ride around taking pics of signs along the way

These Bugs Around Here 🦠 😷🤒💖

I know, I know. Basically the only thing to do these days is to sit at home and read about viruses and sickness and social distancing.

And here I am joining the mayhem.

But the truth of the matter is, we’ve had a fair amount of sickness.

Julia woke up with the flu, and so we are enjoying adorable pics that filter in on our sister chat, while maintaining a safe distance. All except our angel Mother who braved the bug to rock babies and support the situation as best she can

Em also came down with a fever this week. With her recent surgery, we were highly concerned about how rapidly it spiked. But thankfully she kicked it in about a day.

Again we’ve been trying to maintain a healthy distance (except our Angel Mother) so I escaped outside to work on my next Fisher Price book, and Em’s little blonde sidekick was sure I needed help. Thanks, Riv, but this isn’t the type of help I was needing.

Nate took care of any type of homesickness by fleeing to his Rocky Mountains for a week. Cheap flights and time off of school- made this a fairly easy decision… I sent him this meme as he braved the airlines 😂

“Don’t be afraid to go into the mist. Be excited because you don’t know where you will end up.”
-Sophie Madden

And I’ve kinda been bit by a bug myself this winter 😉 I’ve been terribly shy about posting this relationship on social media, but I’m finally getting up the nerve to introduce you to my friend Ben ❤️

At the risk of sounding like a gushy girlfriend- I’m counting my sisters getting over their sicknesses- but me… ?? 😉❤️

Say a prayer for us, if you think about it- that God will continue to lead and guide us as we seek Him ❤️

Social Distancing/ cheap gas prices combined to give us a chance to explore last weekend. The frozen fog at the top of the mountain was beautiful!

It’s definitely spring in the Valley.

Judging from the first Snow Glories in my neighbors yard, we are about 2 weeks ahead of last year.

Anyhow that’s enough from me. May you have a Happy, Healthy Day ❤️ (or find joy and peace in the midst of sickness😉)



March’s Mini Morsels (quick photo tour of recent highlights)

To our friends scattered to and fro,

Hello from the middle of Missouri. I’ve been on the road a bit more this week, and since I’m currently spending several days waiting, I thought I’d jump on here and share a few pics.

I’m staying in the cutest little guesthouse. It’s really fun to just be able to entertain myself for a few days.

I went to downtown Versailles and almost got arrested. Well, not really. Those of you who know me well, know that I love to have a project on the back burner. My current project is sharing my travels via postcard with a friend who was recently paralyzed. So as I wandered around the town square, I was on a mission to find a postcard. I saw a little sign pointing towards a “Museum Store” so I followed it and found the store looking rather desolate, but the door opened, so I went in and found my sought after postcard. But try as I might, I couldn’t find anyone to take my money. So I went back out and up the street to the Chamber of Commerce and found several helpful ladies who nearly heart attacked when I told them I’d been in the museum store roaming around. Long story short, they sold me the postcard I’d found, and with a hearty “thank you for reporting this” we parted ways. But I still can’t decide- was I breaking and entering? Or was I a good citizen supporting the neighborhood watch program. I don’t know, but I got my postcard, and that’s what counts. 😂

Monday I was privileged to attend the funeral of Lydia Stoltzfus. Technically I just attended the grave service, because as the driver, sleep took priority to a German church service. She was buried beside her son Amos who worked part time on our farm until his death in July, 2007. Crazy how many memories this brought back. Same white fence, same blue sky… There is no singing at Amish funerals, and I was just amazed again at how silent and solemn the minutes were as they filled the grave. I’m pretty sure even the birds quit singing. One of Amos’s nieces referenced the joyful reunion that she imagined taking place in Heaven… “Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh grave, where is thy victory?”

Em had another knee surgery on Tuesday. She remembered pics from October, 2017… She’s just as cute as she was then, but there’s been definite improvements made in her babysitting charges ❤️


And since I’m sure you wanted to see more pics of my nephews 😂 such roly poly little miracles ❤️ 📷 credit: Ryder Photography

And finally- my sisters are lucky. I mean, for real. My Instagram notifications stay swamped because Em and Deb are always entering giveaways by tagging me. And I don’t mind. And they win. A lot. Jul isn’t on social media, but she still enters drawings and comes away with the prize. Unbelievable.

Dressed Up Threads was hosting a photo contest, where requirements were: wear a dress made from their fabric and post a pic of you doing something with your plant babies or greenhouse related and tag #springfeverwithdressedupthreads The winner receives a Shenandoah dress from Dressed Up Threads. Anyhow as the contest drew towards a close, I mentioned it one more time, and Jul and Mother got on board with brainstorming.

So this is what we came up with for my post.

“We can BEARly wait to come out of hibernation” says Mama Bear “but I know this season of rocking babies and dreaming about springtime will soon be passed”

And would you believe that we were selected as winners? I can’t wait to see Mama Bear in her new dress!

Ok, I’ve rambled on quite long enough.

Blessings on your weekend,
