Dog Days of Summer

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and since I’ve a tendency to wax overly wordy, I’m going to attempt to let these pictures speak for themselves..

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Picnic with Benelli Isabelli


Everything is cute when it’s a puppy.. I may have a weakness for cuteness.. 🙂 #heart_throb

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They also say Love shows up at random places.. 😉

Enjoy your holiday weekend.. Blessings, Kendra

Journey through the Midwest

The last week has gone past in a hurry. Well this entire summer has really, but I leave that where it is.. I thought I’d hit the high points to finish off the Western Expedition II.. Paradise Lane is  beautiful this morn.. It’s fun to go, but there’s no place like home..


We stopped, impulsively at a stock sale in the middle of Kansas.. What a busy place! It was interesting observing how much easier the cattle moved when guided by a horse instead of a shouting human.. And the prices those calves were bringing!! The climax of this experience was- they were having customer appreciation day, unbeknownst to us.. And yours truly won a door prize.. A poker set.. Just what I need..Which I tried frantically to peddle to everyone seated in the near vicinity.. And Mother quipped “Sure is a good thing you’re through Las Vegas already..” 🙂


We met “John” slowly making  his way down a dusty road in eastern Kansas.. He’s been on the road since 1978, attempting to bring Revelations to life for the modern church.. He sells doves that travel in the back of his train as one way of paying his way.. The Patriarch of my crew said “How are you” and John replied “with very little..”


Steamboat Arabia is a Museum in Kansas City, MO. In the winter of 1988-89, 5 men discovered a steamboat that had sunk in the muddy Missouri River in 1855. She was laden down with 200 tons of new merchandise heading for the frontier. The silt from the river quickly swallowed her and when the river changed course, she was left a perfect time capsule. I couldn’t believe it. 3.5 million beads, 4,000 brand new shoes, pickles that were still good, kegs of nails, saws, exotic dishes, yards of silk fabric… on and on and on.. It was really really worth the stop..


This pump handle gave these little guys a fit after a church service in Missouri.. 🙂


We toured the CAT plant. I stood open-mouthed at the front of these immense earth movers.. And I smiled at the knowledge that the preferred operator of this 25 foot tall beast -that runs an incredible 42 mph and carries 363 ton- are ladies… And the salary is supposedly $250,000/yr.. I’m considering a career change.. BAHA 🙂


A stop at in Amish country finished our tour..

What a journey.. As always, I’m so thankful to our Heavenly Father for His loving care once again.. Thank you for joining us.. 🙂 Blessings to you, Kendra

One last piece of advice:


From the Sunset:

  • Close the Day with Beauty
  • Be amazing
  • Have a glow about you
  • Make a dramatic exit
  • Show your true colors!


Meet Pete

Greetings and Salutations all ye people! There is no time like the present to start off with introductions.. I’m PB the PD.. Pete Bryson the Prairie Dog, and I’ve just been adopted… For days I hung out with my kind in a National Park Visitor’s Center, waiting on this moment.. One by one, I’d watch my fellow stuffed animals head off in Prairie Dog awareness.. I was happy for them, but it kinda hurt. Why not me.. Was there something wrong with me? The day started like any other, but I must admit, I’d been eyeing the cute little blonde and her big brother from the moment they walked in the door.. If only.. And could hardly belive it- when I watched their dad sign the adoption papers and away we went! There’s so much to see out side of that gift shop! AND plus the whole idea is to promote awareness for my actual live animal friends.. So I’m doing what I can..


We’ve spent a lot of time in the van. Oh the sights to behold! I have no complaints, except that the blonde’s bro insists on holding me by the tail.. “hey pal- that’s not how I prefer to travel!”  I’d really like to help the driver out by steering or blowing the horn, or something.. But she feels too responsible.. So I thought I’d surprise her, by updating her blog and give you a quick over view of what we’ve seen the last little while..

Colorado River:

The first time this van crossed the Co River in southern New Mexico, it was dry- they tell me, but the further north we go- it’s not dry anymore! Can you believe that this River supplies power, water, and food for 30 million people?! We gazed upon its muddy waters at the Grand Canyon Skywalk, Hoover Dam, and then at Grand Junction, CO

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National Parks:

This group hammered through 3 of them.. Zion (where they saw their first Bighorn Sheep), Bryce (where they adopted yours truly), and Arches.


Colorado Springs:

And yesterday found us enjoying the world from a windshield, driving thru the beautiful Rocky Mountains and being blown away by the open grassland between the Ranges; travelling up Pike’s Peak by Cog Railway and shivering from the 40 degree cloud that enshrouded the summit; And driving through tumultuous weather last night that included a GORGEOUS rainbow and lots of lightning..

And that’s all for now, folks.. This is Pete- over and out

P.S Adopt if you get the chance 🙂

Ramblings on Roadrunners, Rio Grande..

I’m thoroughly enjoying travelling with some little people.. We pulled into a zoo in El Paso, TX and the 5 yr old jumped out of the van and exclaimed “Look a Roadrunner!!” There are several things on the “trip bucket list”.. One being an armadillo, another- a Roadrunner.. So I looked up, expecting to see the long-legged  bird, with a pronounced tail.. Instead, leisurely ambling under a vehicle was an all-American, exquisite pigeon.. But from the perspective of a 5 yr old.. 🙂

The zoo was nice, the animals were really presented well, and it was a fun way to burn some energy collected after travelling for hours..


Later we did see a Roadrunner, and his 3 yr old sister exclaimed “I’ve seen a Roadgrader..” Kids 🙂

The kid in me has seen a number of things I’d like to exclaim over.. Western Texas was so desolate.. Like over 120 miles of nothing.. And I mean nothing.. Except rocks and scrub brush.. There may have been one Chevron filling station with a house trailer out back, and that is it.. I’m sure we missed a few Roadrunner or graders and their friends, but there was not much in the way of civilization..

The Rio Grande River, the border between US and Mexico was also unbelievable.. We were heading west out of El Paso, and I looked to my left and said “See those houses over there, that looks just like Central America..” A quick reference to the atlas, and we discovered it WAS Central America.. Mexico.. And this huge river that separates the countries, is about the size of our Muddy Creek at home.. Wow.. A huge iron fence as well as an incredible light system and umpteen border guards also helped make the border more pronounced.. We enjoyed the chance to dip our toes in the Rio Grande.. under surveillance..


We drove through the Texas Canyon today and stumbled upon some history.. The Movie Set for 3:10 to Yuma was were they kept a number of Japanese Officials shortly after Pearl Harbor.. What an unbelievable deserty rock pile..

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Tonight, as we stood up on a hill overlooking Tucson, I was amazed at how big the sky was and how far the city stretched out before me.. The sunset was incredible.. A thunderstorm with lots of lightning was showing off to one side, and the full moon was shining down onto the desert.. The clouds were gorgeous.. And as I stood there thinking about how many people are living in the city below my birds-eye view, it hit me how little I really am.. And it is incredible to think that God takes the time to care about the little details in me life.. Cares for me.. For each one of us.. That blesses me tonight..

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See you on down the trail.. Blessings to you! Good night, Kendra

On the Road Again

This morn, I opened a care package from my mom and sisters, and in it was a bunch of notes.. The one was from my dear Mother who wrote “Look for a special quote, gift of nature, exotic cloud, or special danger that God delivers you in, each day- Jot it down and review it at the journey’s in- you’ll be surprised with what you find!”  So with these thought in mind, I continued the journey southwest..

As we headed out and a semi pulling a van trailer passed me and I looked for Mother’s  food for thought.. “There’s more to life than driving” written boldly on the back doors..  Hmm..  That is so true.. But driving seems to sum up my summer.. 🙂

(*quick review, yesterday, I headed out with a family- 3 generations including a 5 yr old, a 3 yr old and a 8 mo old- for a quick trip west.. And we put in a remarkable 1001 miles on day 1..)

The family I’m with has a theme quote for this trip, I like it.. “The journey is not about the places you visit… But the memories you make along the way..” Maybe that should be my quote for the day.. That’s better.. 🙂

We travelled through Arkansas and took a road beside the Mississippi and were completely impressed with the farming.. If the entire trip is as ag minded as the first two days- It’s gonna be impressive.. 🙂 I’m learning a lot!

Rice fields- I had no clue how long a rice head was.


I even am being a good sport about a variety of equipment… (I’m with a group of Agco/ Fendt people, but that doesn’t mean I’m compromising my Green Loyalties- just humoring the moment)

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One of the highlights from today was a stop at Milky Way Farms in eastern Texas to see Perry and Emily Hostetler as well as son Adam and wife Megan.. I remember playing at their house when I was about 4 and Father was working with Perry… anyhow they have quite the operation and I was thrilled to visit and catch up with them a little..

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And we ate the best steakhouse mid afternoon.. Salt Grass Steakhouse.. Highly HIGHLY recommended.. “The Orignal Texas Steakhouse”..


That’s enough from me for now.. Hope all is well with you.. Keep your eyes open for a quote that may get your brain rolling today.. Lol 🙂

Again with “See you down the trail”.. Good night, Kendra


Joy in the Journey

“Hey, I’ve got a big idea..” This is a phrase I use a lot. Apparently too often, because whenever I say it, my family always has the same reaction.. They sigh, roll their eyes, and same something to the effect of “Oh, dear..”

This is probably because they have been roped into helping me carry out a lot of them.. They are the ones who are the kitchen committee when a big idea has been implemented, and Kendra the over estimator is caught on the road or in the field, leaving her family to do the work… I think I’m learning to be a little more realistic.. But it used to be really bad.. Like one time-years ago- when my parents were in Florida on an anniversary trip, and Kendra decided to invite some friends in after church, and Emily was sweetly helping by making toffee and somehow the handle on the pan became loose and poured the hot substance over her hand.. Man I hated that..

And the stories could go on and on.. Of times that my family has had to bailed me out because I love having something for my brain to be working on.. So I have a number of projects I think about from time to time. I’m excited about them. Some of them are very simple.. A Christmas project.. Or a card that I’d like to send as a way of encouragement.. Or someone I’d like to visit..  Some of my projects are dreams that I don’t know if they will ever be reality.. Some of them are expensive and time consuming and somewhat unrealistic.. But it doesn’t hurt to dream, I suppose, and so I wait to see what doors God opens..

I like to talk about what’s on my mind.. Those of you who are close to me, realize that I’m a bit of a rambler.. Thanks for listening to me..  🙂  This past week, Mother and I were in route somewhere, and I was going on about how excited I was about one of my ideas, and how much fun it is to dream, when Mother spoke wisdom into my life.. “You know, the joy is in the journey..” So I’ve thought about that a lot.. It’s so easy to become so focused on whats around the corner, and to spend a lot of time, waiting.. IF I get that job, or IF this works out, or WHEN, or IF ONLY.. But living in neutral, waiting for that moment, is a sure way to lose a lot of time. The joy is in the journey..

Soaking up the sun and the rain or whatever your day brings and just living life to the fullest, realizing that I am where I’m supposed to be and praising God that He’s in control.. I don’t want to waste time waiting.. Today is the day of opportunity I guess I’m saying “joy is in contentment”, but maybe I’d better save the contentment spill for another post some day..

Where ever your journey has you, this week, may you find joy in that.. 🙂

Blessings, Kendra

Bonus pic:

It’s not hard to find joy when your journey takes you to spending quality time with friends..

Photo credit: Rachel Ranck

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I’m so thankful to get to spend a little R&R first with some girlfriends, then with the Horst gang- before I head out on another marathon .. Are you up for another trip West? That’s right, I leave again this week, once I return from vacation with my family.. The next trip is going to be a little different,  but hopefully I’ll get an occasional chance to post along the trail..  

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Another serious joy right now, is Deb’s little friends.. They are TOO cute.. They really are gonna be looking for new homes the end of Aug.. Purebred registered labs-if you’re interested..


Julia and a friend did a Noah’s Ark themed baby shower recently.. Who would’ve ever thought I’d find a beaver cupcake to be so charming.. Lol


Beach Rules:

  • Come out of your Shell
  • Avoid Pier Pressure
  • Be Shore of Yourself
  • Don’t get Tide down’
  • Go ahead and Make Waves